Director of UC3M Library talks about Libnamic


Teresa Malo de Molina, director of the Library of Carlos III University of Madrid, comments about her good experience working with Libnamic at a project using Omeka S.


Teresa Malo de Molina’s mention about Libnamic

This presentation took place last June at an event organized by the Madroño Consortium for its 20th Anniversary. The Madroño Consortium includes most university libraries in the Community of Madrid.

Also, we contacted a company that had worked with this tool for digital exhibits with the University of Seville, Libnamic. And the truth is that we’re working with them very well and it’s working really well.

Teresa Malo de Molina – June 21st 2019

The library plans on providing Omeka S as a turnkey solution for researchers in the University. Departments can request a site in Omeka to publish research production and projects. The specific needs for this use case implied the creation of an Omeka S module to extend the application’s metadata capabilities. Thanks to this solution, professors can create metadata subfields that comply with the Dublin Core set. Therefore, compatibility with the standard and OAI-PMH harvesting support is assured. In addition, the website uses Libnamic Hosting Services.

The project will eventually result in a Digital Humanities portal that will contain all these research projects. In summary, we expect this solution to help research groups and departments popularize their results. You can learn more on the project page.

Watch the whole statement on Youtube (Spanish):

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